Author Guidelines

Authors are strongly encouraged to adhere to the following guidelines when submitting a manuscript to Clinics of Surgery.

Submission Policy

Manuscripts submitted to Clinics of Surgery must not have been published elsewhere and should not contain significant instances of plagiarism. The submitting author is responsible for obtaining approval from all co-authors to publish the article, as well as ensuring that the manuscript has received all necessary institutional approvals. Authors will receive further correspondence and proofs prior to publication, or they will be duly informed otherwise. It should be understood that authors grant permission for reasonable modifications to the manuscript to enhance its clarity and coherence. Any requests regarding the dissemination of acknowledged compositions should be addressed accordingly. All submissions are subject to the copyright terms of service of "Clinics of Surgery."

Cover letter

Authors are advised to include a cover letter when submitting their manuscript to Clinics of Surgery. The cover letter should provide essential details about the manuscript, such as the article type, title, and author information. Additionally, authors should explicitly state their willingness to have their work published in "Clinics of Surgery." The cover letter should also mention the number of tables, figures, and words in the manuscript, and any supporting documents or additional information should be attached along with the submission.

Types of manuscripts

Article Type Word Limit Abstract Word Limit References Limit
Original/Research 6000-7000 words 150-250 words N/A
Review 5000 words 150-250 words N/A
Case Report 2000-3000 words 150-250 words 15-30 references
Editorials 1000 words N/A 5-10 references
Mini-Review 3000 words 150-250 words 15-25 references
Letter to the Editor 1000 words N/A 5-10 references
Clinical Images 200-300 words N/A 3-5 references

Note: The references limit represents the minimum and maximum number of references allowed for each article type.

Manuscript structure

Before submitting a manuscript to Clinics of Surgery, authors are strongly advised to adhere to the following guidelines:

Section Guidelines
Title The manuscript title should not exceed 140 characters.
Authors List the full names of all authors along with their affiliations.
Affiliations Author affiliations should be listed as Department, University/Institute, City, State, Country. Use superscript numbers to identify different affiliations.
Corresponding Author Provide the full name, affiliation, telephone number, fax number, and email address of the corresponding author.
Abstract The abstract should be 150-250 words and should include Aims, Methods, Results, and Conclusion for research/original articles. Summarize the findings without including citations.
Keywords Include a maximum of five keywords.
Text The text should include Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Acknowledgement (if any). Use numbering for references in the body text.
Results Provide complete details of the experiment that support the study's conclusion. Tables and figures can be included in this section.
Discussion This section can be separate or combined with Results or Conclusion, but it should not be the same or repeated. Include a detailed interpretation of the data without duplicating the results.
Acknowledgement Include funding sources and personal acknowledgements. List all funding sources used for manuscript preparation, providing grant numbers and authors associated with each source.
Acknowledgments Mention individuals or contributors who have provided technical assistance but do not meet the criteria for authorship. Obtain consent from these individuals to be mentioned in this section.
Figures Preferred formats: JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, and PowerPoint. Include figures, titles, and descriptions. Do not repeat figure legends in the text. Obtain permission from copyright holders if figures have been published elsewhere. Number figures in the order they are cited in the text.
Tables Do not embed tables in the text. Each table should have a title and description. There is no limit to the number of tables. Tables should provide new information not already given in the text. Avoid using spaces in tables. Submit tables in a Word document for copy-editing as per journal format.
Supplementary Files No limit on the number of supplementary material xitems. Name supplementary items as S (e.g., Figure S1, Table S1, Video S1) and cite them in the text.
References Include published and accepted articles in the reference list. Number references consecutively in the order they are first cited. References can also be cited in tables and figures, not just in the text. In-text citations should include the author's surname and year.

Please ensure that your manuscript follows these guidelines to ensure a smooth submission process.


In this section, authors should acknowledge individuals, funds, grants, or any other support received. Authors are required to disclose any conflicts of interest in the statements within this section. Financial support for the material research and monetary assistance for the exploration and reported work should be clearly acknowledged.

Publication Policy

The review board of "Clinics of Surgery" is responsible for selecting articles for publication in the journal. The publishing decision is based on the recommendations of the journal's reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief/Editor may consult other editors or reviewers in making this decision.


Revised manuscripts can be resubmitted through the online submission system or sent via email along with a cover letter outlining the revisions made to the manuscript.

Production Process

"Clinics of Surgery" is a universally accessible journal publisher providing research publications worldwide. Our scholarly journals are available online to readers without any limitations or charges for downloading and reading. Our dedicated editorial members ensure the high quality of research articles, and we have reputable editorial board members from various fields to ensure international review standards and expedited publication. "Clinics of Surgery" is an independent publisher solely financed by our management without receiving funds from any institution or government. Authors are required to pay a fair open access publication fee to cover operating expenses such as article processing, website maintenance, employee needs, and company development. This fee is charged only after articles are accepted for publication, and there are no submission charges.


Authors should review and correct any errors in the proof within 2-3 days. The proofreading process includes two stages: copyediting and layout. The corresponding author will receive an email with instructions and a link to access the proof. It is the author's responsibility to complete the proofreading in a timely manner.


The article must not be published elsewhere. It is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and building upon your work non-commercially.

Manuscript Withdrawal Policy

If the author requests for withdrawal of the manuscript after the submission and before starting the pre-review process, then the authors will not have to pay any withdrawal penalty.

If the author requests for withdrawal after manuscript is submitted or assigned for Pre-Review Process or during the assembly Stage or Published within the Platform then author(S) have to Pay a withdrawal Penalty without fail.

Refund Policy

Once the manuscript has completed the review process, publishing, and all payments have been made, "Clinics of Surgery" Publishers will not provide refunds if the author requests withdrawal.